Thursday, December 4, 2014

Change of plans!

I'm good at changing my mind. It's one of my (many) talents.
In this case, its for the blanket for Youngest Girl.
I was going to make her a sampler afghan in "candy" colours (with white), but changed my mind. I decided instead to go with Lucy (of Attic24)s Neat Ripple instead.
I have no photos atm, but I'll upload some later. (Don't judge me - I'm terribly disorganised about my blogging. I'm even more disorganised about photographing things... including my children!)

Oh, an ICYMI, we've expanded the menagerie. We're now at a cat, 3 dogs, 4 chickens, a rooster, several fish, 3 children and a husband.

Saturday, November 15, 2014

Margaret's chevron blanket

I'm using Lucy (of Attic24)'s design for the wavy ripple.
Here are the progress pics so far... 

Monday, April 28, 2014

A distraction...

My yarn is under threat, thanks to this little furball. She was howling out the front of our place, so we've brought her in, fed and watered her, and now she's sleeping and purring on the lounge.

Friday, April 18, 2014

Oldest Girl's blanket...

I've finally got myself motivated enough to a) pick a pattern and b) pick out colours for Oldest Girls blanket.
The pattern I'm going to use is the Mixed Stitch Stripey from Little Woollie. Oldest Girl loves blues, so I'm going to make a blanket in shades of blues, creams, greys, and maybe a random white (perhaps the bobbles?).
Basically, I'm going to make this

... look like this

(Photo courtesy of Little Woollie at and tempyjo at )

Sunday, May 19, 2013

Colours and designs...

So, I asked the other day for some colour inspirations...
This is Isabella's blanket with her quilt (doona/duvet) cover

And this is the blanket pattern I have 

Similar, yes?
So, the question is, what colours should I make the blanket in for Margaret? This is her quilt cover...

I was thinking red, pink, white, blue...
And then there's Katharine's quilt cover (which is still packed for now, but this is the matching pillow case)

I'm thinking light blue, royal blue, yellow and red... 

And that's where I'm at for now... 

Thursday, May 16, 2013

Some input, please!

For those that don't know (and under which rock have you been living?), I crochet.
I recently bought Kim Werker's Crocheted Gifts since Isabella has a star blanket that was crocheted by a friend.
So, here's where you all come in... My design Pinterest board has colour swatches. Can you jump over there and please tell me which would be best for the princess (Margaret, age 5), which would be best for the Doctor Who obsessed child (Katharine, age 10), and which would be best for Ian and I (we have a green quilt cover and a blue and coffee quilt cover, so coordinating would be best).
Thanks, guys :)

Friday, April 26, 2013